Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris

Suite à l’incendie hier soir, lundi 15 avril 2019, de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, nos amis britanniques nous ont fait parvenir le message suivant : « It is with shock and horror that we watched the images of the fire at Notre Dame Cathedral yesterday evening, and it was clear the impact that this has had on the people of France. Please accept the sympathies and best wishes of the Fen Edge to all who may be affected.
I recall many years ago my own shock when York Minster and Windsor Castle were partially destroyed, but the position of Notre Dame in the literary, architectural and cultural pantheon of buildings in France and indeed Europe as a whole is much greater, as was clear from the reaction and statements made last night.
This morning the pictures from the interior and news indicate that there is much greater hope than might have been feared when viewing the pictures of the flames last night, for which we are all thankful.
When St Paul’s Cathedral, London, burnt down in the Great Fire the new building used at its heart some of the old stones, one of which had the Latin word ‘Resurgam’ – ‘I shall rise again’. It is clear that ‘Resurgam’ will also apply to Notre Dame.
with best regards
Fen Edge Twinning Association »

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